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Culture for Life.

About Us

My name is Tupokigwe Abnery,I’m a graduate(BA.kiswahili linguistics) from Dodoma University. I'm a Teacher , African Fashion Entrepreneur and Blogger.

E-mail: abnerytupokigwe306@gmail.com 

 Mob : 0756 377 940.

Instagram: sinyatiblog

Facebook page: sinyati blog 

I like my culture as a Tanzanian.I called this blog, “Sinyati blog” which its name originated from Maasai word which means sacredness ;in Swahili language sinyati is verb which has been derived from a word “nyata” which means walk slowly.

Therefore ,Sinyati is a opposite of of the word Nyata which means “I can’t walk slowly.”I decided to take this word “Sinyati” from maasai tribe because Maasai is among the few tribes which maintain their traditions and customs in Tanzania.

The aim  of my blog is to educate  and to give opportunities to the authors who like to educate society or community in the context of  cultural life. Therefore they get opportunity to talk to the society for things they witness and see that is important to the society.

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