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Culture for Life.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beauty is Life

There is one thing which affects the young and the old alike. Its one's beauty.How one looks at a given time.you can link beauty to love as looks plays an important role in the choice of a mate. Thus they say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It means there is something to be seen.In prisons nowadays they smuggle in mirrors for only one purpose,to see themseves.It be men or women,looking good is the desire of every human being.

I therfore welcome you to this journey of which we will be exxploring different aspects of beauty,one by one.You see,inner beauty is very essential in life,but its not what we see by a quick look look.we see your outerward beauty.it means its also important.Just as Pastors and mentors and other spiritual taechers seek to address our inner beauty,we will seek to address the outer beauty to create a balance.thats why we say Beauty Is Life.

What is beauty,its simply a quality thats pleasing to the eye. Now.your hair can be pleasing.your face can be pleasing,your nails can be pleasing,your feet can be pleasing and your skin can be pleasing. This is what anyone can see.Now how do u come to be seen beautiful? What does it take for you to reach the state of looking good and pleasing to the on looker.? What does it take for you even onyourself to say yeeees im looking beautiful? When you are looking pleasant,then definately you feel good.But then,do u just wake up in the morning looking good? Do you all of a sudden while walking just transform and start looking good? I guess not. Someone is responsible for your looking good.you mus have gone to a place where they deal with the subject of looking good,right? Because you wont go inthe hospital and come out wth nicely painted nails. You wont enter the supermarket and come out with silky hair washed and relaxed. Its not something you can get done in your kitchen. You go to a place called a salon.

What is a salon? Its generally a place where women and men go to relax while their hair and nails and body is attended to. it therefore implies that the people you are going to meet at the salon must be able and be prepared to make you relax and feel at home though it wont be your home.these are the most important people as far as attaining beauty is concerned.Now before we talk about the services you can get in the salon to beautify yourself,lets first of all examine who is it from whom we must demand service.Who are they exactly,and what must be our expectations? What qualities must they possess before you trust them with your most valuable treasure.yes anything which  part of your beauty is your treasure.

*The first and crucial thing is the service provider must be educated as to what they are going to do.They must have relevant experience.this is very important if pleasing results have to be achieved.Dont just be happy to receive today a service which tomorrow will cost you and you regret.Make sure the person attending to you has experience and possess knowledge of what they are about to do

*Consultation- the service provider must be able to ask the historical information about the previous treatments you had.this is very essential since some other treatments are poisonous to each other.Its your right to have doubts if the service provider doesnt care about your history and to give advice as to what you can or may not do in relation to your previous treatments

*A good service provider will be able to talk clearly and make you understand whats going on.your beautification process is not magical so it can be communicated clearly.Good words are like massage to the soul.when everything is communicated properly you can relax and enjoy the services.If the service provide can talk clearly it also makes work easier and all clients treated equally.

*A good service provide must be the enforcer of cleanliness,well trimmed nails,clean hands and free from dangling jewelery.dress modestly,to appeal to all groups of people.

*Concerntration must be the mark of a good service provider.They mus not worry about the previous client.and must not think of the next client.they must put all their effort on the client at hand.Personal life of the service provider must not interfere with work..When you go to a salon,yes u might relax and talk of your life,that does not give the service provider to open to u their problems also.they should help you or comfort you or rejoice wth you but not to spread it around.The privacy of the client must be respected at all times irregardless of who they are.

*this one is a little bit controversial but thats the truth and we will say it. A good service provider will not allow you to dictate to them what,when,which and how,of the treatments to use.They are the experts soo they are the ones to tell you and advise you according to your needs.Dont risky your beauty with guess work service providers.Just because something worked for so and so doesnt guarantee that it will work for you too.

*You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.A good service provider will tell you the truth even if it might lead to you not doing a particular service you wanted to.it implies that a good service provider must not only focus on making money out of you but also must take into consideration what will happen to you if one take short cuts.You mus be told of the advantages and disadvantages of particular services

in Short now you understand what the people you have to meet at the salon must at least possess.you now know a bit of what to expect.if the service provider provide their services to satisfication.it will then make u decide whether you want to be a client or a customer.Always check yourself if you are a customer or a client،

A client is someone who goes to a professional to look for professional advice and engage the services of that professional.A client does not hop from door to door.A client belongs to

A customer is somone who is looking for a particular service and does not mind where they get it.all what they are after is that service.Customers dont belong to

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